Contacts90Calls costThis feature lets you view the cost of calls.Notes:• This feature may not be shown depending on yourSIM card.• This feature is not intended to be used for billingpurposes.• AOC (Advice Of Charge) information may displayon call, depending on your SIM card or serviceprovider.1. The Call Costs screen shows you the totalcost, last call costs, and cost limit.2. While viewing the call costs, press theOptions soft key to use the following options:• Reset call costs: allows you to reset thecost counter; first, you must enter yourPIN2 code (see page 113) and then pressthe Confirm soft key.• Edit cost limit: allows you to enter themaximum cost that you authorise for yourcalls; first, you must enter your PIN2 code(see page 113) and then press the Confirmsoft key.• Setup currency: allows you to set thecurrency of the call cost; first, you mustenter your PIN2 code (see page 113) andthen press the Confirm soft key.Calls time1. Press the Up or Down scroll key to scrollthrough the call timer for each call type.• Total dialled: total time of the voicecalls you have dialled.• Total received: total time of the voicecalls you have received.• Total dialled: total time of the videocalls you have dialled.• Total received: total time of the videocalls you have received.2. While viewing the call time, press theOptions soft key to use the following options:• Reset: resets the call timer.• Reset all: resets all of the call timers.Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by yourservice provider may vary, depending onnetwork features, rounding-off for billingpurposes, and other factors.Contacts91Groups (Menu 8-4)You can manage groups. The contacts stored inthe phone’s memory or supplied by the USIMcard can be assigned to contact groups.Editing groups from the group list1. When the Group list displays, if necessarypress the Up or Down scroll key to scrollthrough the Group list to the Group you want.2. Press the Options soft key from the Grouplist to access the following options:• Add member: allows you to add memberor members to the selected group.• View members: views the Contacts listsaved for this group.• Add group: you can enter a group namefor a new group. You can see the new groupname in the Group list.• Rename group: allows you to change thegroup name.• Delete group: deletes the selected group.• Delete all groups: deletes all of thegroups.Editing group item1. When you select a group, you can see the listof names enrolled in the group.2. If necessary press the Up or Down scroll keyto scroll through the name list.3. Press the Options soft key to access the Editgroup option. This feature allows you tochange members in the group. Mark andunmark names you want to add or deleteusing the OK key and press the Save softkey.Speed dial (Menu 8-5)You can set up to eight speed dial numbers andthen dial them simply by pressing the associatednumber key.Editing speed dial from the speed diallist1. When the Speed Dial list displays, highlightone of the Speed dial numbers you want toedit by pressing the scroll key.