Reference InformationSamsung Electronics 14-1114-4-2 LoadingCassette inHousing down.Motor Loading rotates. Drum rotates.Gear Worm MotorGear Worm Wheel LoadingGear WheelGear Cam Main rotate.Motor Capstan rotates.Gear Capstan, Belt Timing,Gear Pully and Gear ldlerrotate in order.Reel T rotates.Motor Capstan stops.Gear Loading S and Trotate.Arm Tension, ArmReview and Arm Pinchmove.Pole Base S,T attachto stopper of Main Chassis.Motor Loading stops.Pinch Roller attaches toCapstan Shaft.Motor Capstan rotatesback.ward silghtly andforward.Pinch Roller rotatesforward.Pinch Roller rotates viaLever Review anddetaches from CapstanShaft.Brake T operated byrotated direction andcontact Reel T forbraking.Motor Loading rotatesreverse and then stops.Drum stops. Motor Capstan stops.* This operation makes tape loading.Arm Loading S,T move indirection of arrows andpole Base S,T silde.Brake T released fromReel T.Reel S, rotates.Pinch Roller rotates inreverse.Motor Loading rotates inreverse and then stips.When Moror Loading isin reverse, Silde Mainmoves to right.Motor Castan rotatessilghtly(for shifting idler toReel S)and then stops.