5. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-111525.2 General Notes On Report Takings5- 54. The drawer will open at the starting of printing the reports which are stated with “(Drawer opens)” in the Dailyand GT report table. However, the drawer may remain closed if so selected by a program option. Thisselection is applied only to the Financial Report.5. The sales data of the following read reports will be cleared when the relevant reset reports are cleared. Ifthose read reports are necessary, please be certain to take them before the relevant reset reports are taken:READ REPORT(with no reset reports provided)RELEVANT RESET REPORTthat clears the read report dataDepartment Group Read All Department ResetMedia Sales and In-drawer Total Read Financial ResetAll Media Sales Total and Cash-in-drawer Read Financial ResetCustomer File Read ... non-resettableInactive PLU Read PLU ResetDepartment Group GT Read All Department GT ResetInactive PLU GT Read PLU GT Reset6. The PLU with the Delete Status set in each PLU report is not printed/searched.As you notice, “Financial Reset”, “All Department Reset”, and “PLU Reset” reports should be taken after all otherreports (particularly read reports) on the respective levels of daily and GT, so that the required read reports datamay not be cleared by those reset report takings.FINANCIAL READ or RESET (Daily or GT)Mode Lock: X for read Enter 3, depress [AT/TL] (for Daily)Z for reset Enter 203, depress [AT/TL] (for GT)Reset Report Format SampleDate, Day-of Week, Store/Register No.Report NameGrand Total (non-resettable)Net GT (non-resettable)Gross Sale Item Count& AmountNet Sale Without Tax Item Count& AmountTax 1 AmountManual Tax AmountNet Sale With Tax Item Count& AmountTotal of Positive Departments programmed as HASH Dept., Item Count& AmountPercent Discount (on Subtotal) Count& AmountVendor Coupon Count& AmountDollar Discount (on Subtotal) Count& Amount-- To be continued --NOTES:1. The numeric values placed in reports in this manual aremerely examples to show the print format and may notbalance correctly.2. The items attached with “*” outside the receipt frame areprinted only on Daily Reports but not on GT Reports.3. The print or non-print status of each item on FinancialReports can be programmed.4. Non-printing of items with zero sales (i.e.,zero skip) can beprogrammed by a program option.7(& 6725(7(& 6725( 3($&+ '5,9(3+21( 2SHQ DP WR SP&ORVHG HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ 681 ;B),1$1&,$/;B),1$1&,$/*7*71(7 *7 *6*6 1616 7$; 7$; 1616 +$6+ '3 9&31 ',6& Percent Charge I, II Count & AmountTax 2 to 4 AmountTotal of Negative Departments programmedas HASH Dept., Item Count & AmountPercent Discount II (on Subtotal) Count &Amount if two Percent Discount keys areinstalled.