5. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-111525.2 General Notes On Report Takings5-17PLU GROUP SALES READ or RESET (Daily or GT)Reset Report Format SampleMode Lock: X for read Enter 24, depress [AT/TL] (for Daily)Z for reset Enter 224, depress [AT/TL] (for GT)PLU Group NameItem CountSales Percentage, AmountPLU Group Sales Reset Report Count (on Reset Reports only)GT REPORTSThe print form and items of a GT report are the same as those of its corresponding daily report, except the reportheader portion. Please also note that some items provided in the daily report are not provided in its GT reports.The counters and totals in a GT report are records accumulated for a certain period (week, month, etc.) whilethose counters and totals in the daily report are usually records for a day. The accumulated record data in eachGT report will be renewed when its GTZ report has been taken.Header ExampleAll Department Read Report (Daily) All Department GT Read Report7(& 6725(7(& 6725( 3($&+ '5,9(3+21( 2SHQ DP WR SP&ORVHG HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ 681 =B3/8B*5283=B3/8B*52839(*(7$%/( 0($' '$,5< %$.(5< &$1 %7/ )22' '5,1. %7/ '(32 727$/ = 70=B'3B$//=B'3B$// *7;B'3B$//*7;B'3B$//