June 2003 IPN: M5000-00-105 Tait Orca vehicle kit F - 13Servicing the vehicle kitThe vehicle kit contains four PCBs, and thefollowing servicing instructions outline thedisassembly of the vehicle kit to allow replace-ment of these PCBs.Warning: Screw head typesThere are four different types of Torx screwsused in the vehicle kit: KC22x6, KC25x6,KC30x8 and KC30x10. All these screws requirea Torx head screwdriver. When tightening anyscrews, be careful not to strip the threads in theplastic mouldings by exerting too much force.The following table explains the torquesettings required for the different Torx screwtypes.Figure F-7: Vehicle kit torque specificationsRemoving the vehicle kit back coverThe back cover is held to the front moulding bytwo plastic clips at the base of the unit. Insertthe tip of a round screwdriver into the twoholes at the bottom of the rear panel. Lever thetip upwards towards the top of the unit.Hold the unit in such a way that your forefin-ger and thumb exert a slight pressure toseparate the rear panel away from the frontmoulding, while you lever the clips with thescrewdriver.Replacing the accessory probe PCBRemove the back cover and unplug the acces-sory loom at the top of the options PCB.Unscrew the two KC30x10 screws holding thetrigger assembly together. The trigger assem-bly can now be lifted out.Note that the trigger assembly must be presseddownwardsdownwardsdownwardsdownwards while undoing these screws, asthere are springs underneath.Unplug the loom from the accessory probePCB. Carefully use narrow nose pliers tounplug the MCX connector from the accessoryprobe PCB. Now remove the two KC22x6screws on the front of the vehicle kit holdingthe accessory probe PCB into the front mould-ing. The accessory probe PCB can now be tiltedupwards and removed from the moulding.Fit the seal onto the new accessory probe PCBand reassemble the vehicle kit. Read theassembly instructions for more information.Replacing the charger probe PCBRemove the back cover and unplug the acces-sory loom at the top of the options PCB. Liftthe options/charger PCB assembly out of thefront moulding, until the charger loom isaccessible.Unplug the charger loom and remove bothPCBs from the front moulding. Note that thesePCBs are still attached via the RF cable.Unscrew the two KC30x8 screws holding thecharger probe moulding into the front mould-ing, and slide out the probe moulding.Unscrew the three KC25x6 screws holding theprobe PCB to the probe moulding. Fit the sealonto the new charger probe PCB and reassem-ble the vehicle kit.Removing the options or charger PCBsRemove the two DB25 fasteners holding theback panel to the accessory/options connec-tor. Remove the two KC30x10 screws holdingthe back plate to the audio PA. Unclip thebackplate from the options PCB. The PCBs cannow be unplugged and replaced.When putting the options/charger assemblyback into the front moulding, make sure thatthe charger PCB is running in its tracks. Becareful that you do not bump the LED at thebottom of the charger PCB; the PCB does notrequire any force to insert.Screw Type IPN Quantity Torque(in.lb)KC22x6 346-10022-06 2 2KC25x6 346-10025-06 3 2KC30x8 346-10030-08 2 6KC30x10 346-10030-10 4 6