F - 14 Tait Orca vehicle kit June 2003 IPN: M5000-00-105Reassembling the vehicle kitTo assemble the vehicle kit, reverse the disas-sembly process.Note that when doing up the KC30x10 screwsthe threads in the plastic PA moulding mustnotnotnotnot be stripped. It is important that the audioPA is held firmly against the backplate, as thebackplate serves as a heatsink.Trigger reassemblyWhen reassembling the trigger assembly,insert the peg moulding into the front panel.Insert the quarter turn moulding and rotate ituntil the peg moulding prevents it fromturning. Drop the two springs into the pegmoulding. While pressing in the trigger cap,replace the trigger assembly.While holding the trigger assembly cover togeth-er (before doing up the screws) check that thelocking mechanism works correctly. To do this,press in the locating pegs and check that thetrigger cap pops up. Press the trigger cap downand check that the locating pegs pop out. If thetrigger assembly does not work correctly, checkthat the quarter turn moulding is in the correctposition and repeat the assembly process.Tighten the two KC30x10 trigger assemblyscrews, while holding the trigger assembly inplace.Rear cover reassemblyLocate the top of the rear cover into the back ofthe trigger assembly. Press the bottom of therear cover to click/lock the cover into the frontmoulding.Spares kitsThe following table shows a list of spares kitswhich are currently available for servicing TaitOrca vehicle kits. These can be ordered fromyou local Tait dealer.Table F-6: Vehicle kit spares kitsThe contents of these kits are shown in TablesF-6 and F-7.Note that the ëIPNí column is the ten digitëinternal part numberí which uniquely identi-fies any component used in a Tait product.The numbers in the ëLegendí column refer toFigure numbers in which the spares item isshown. The numbers in brackets refer to thenumbered legend within the figure, whereappropriate.Product code DescriptionTOPA-SP-301 Vehicle kit spares kitTOPA-SP-302 Vehicle kit reskinning kit