June 2003 IPN: M5000-00-105 Tait Orca 5000 accessory connector F - 5Table F-1: Accessory connector signal specificationsConnecting a headsetThe headset must meet the following basicspecifications: speaker impedance: 32 Ω (16 Ω min); speaker power: 1/4 Wrms (min); microphone: electret, approximately1 kΩ; and PTT: switch not in line with microphone.Note that if your headset has a PTT in linewith the microphone, it can be connectedwith the 7.5 mm accessory adaptor. Seeì7.5 mm Accessory adaptorî on page F-8for more information.Determine the compatibility/suitability ofyour headset by checking Table F-1. If it iscompatible, follow the assembly procedureoutlined previously, on page F-4.Solder the headset wires onto the accessoryconnector PCB pads, as shown in Table F-2.To turn the radio speaker off and only have theheadset speaker on, short link 1 (LK1). Thisties SENSE-0-ACC to GND, telling the radio toturn the speaker off.Note that SPEAKER+ and SPEAKERñ mustnot short to GND, or to any other signal.Table F-2: Accessory connector headset connectionsSignal Description Type Signal levelOutputimpedance/currentInputimpedanceRX- DET -AF - ACC Unmuted receive audio Analogue audio1.15-1.6 VDC53-225 mVrms 2.2 kΩ –MOD -AUDIO Modulator input Analogue audio 0-4.8 V pp 2.4 VDC – 470 Ω+7V5- ACC* Accessory power DC supply 7.0 V* nominal 20 mA (max) –RXD -ACC Serial receive data CMOS high = 0low = 1– –TXD -ACC Serial transmit data CMOS high = 0low = 11 mA (max) –SENSE -0-ACC Accessory sense(internal speaker disable)CMOS high = 1low = 01 mA (max) –SENSE -1-ACC Accessory sense CMOS high = 1low = 01 mA (max) –EXT -MIC External microphone input(electret)Analogue audio 11 mV pp (typical)DC coupled– 1 kΩEXT -PTT External press-to-talk input Analogue DC 0-5 V, PTT = 0 V – 27 kΩEXT -SPKR External speaker differential output Analogue audio ±6.5 V ppdifferentialTo drive 16 Ωdifferentially–EXT +SPKR External speaker differential output Analogue audio ±6.5 V ppdifferentialTo drive 16 Ωdifferentially–RF Accessory antenna connection Radio frequency Tx: 5 Wrms (max) 50 Ω –* Dependent on battery charge level.Solder to these pads Signal from headsetP1 MICP2 GNDP3 PTTP6 SPEAKER–P7 SPEAKER+