52 TASCAM DP-008Punching in and outPunching in/out is a technique to replace a partof an already recorded track.Start playback and when you reach the partthat you want to replace, switch to record(punch in), then switch back to playback (orstop) when you finish the part that you want toreplace (punch out).1 Decide what part of the track you planto replace and choose a point to beginwhere the new recording can sit wellwith the existing recording.2 Press the REC key of the track that youplan to replace part of to start recordstandby (REC indicator blinks).3 Start playback before the part of thetrack that you want to replace.4 Press the record (–) key to startrecording (punch in) when you reachthe part. Play or sing what you want torecord.5 Press the playback (Á) key to switch toplayback (punch out) when you finishthe replacement recording.TIPYou can also press the stop (ª) key topunch out at the end of the replacementrecording.Using the foot switch to punchin/outUsing a foot switch connected to the FOOTSWITCH jack on the rear panel, you can punchin and out.In step 4 above, step on the foot switch insteadof pressing the record (º) key. In step 5, stepon the foot switch again instead of pressing theplayback (Á) key.Foot switchSetting the foot switch polaritySet the foot switch polarity on thePREFERENCE screen.Connect the foot switch, and, without steppingon it, set FootSW Polarity to OFF. This willset the unit to operate properly for the polarityof the connected foot switch.1 Connect a foot switch to the FOOTSWITCH jack on the rear panel.2 When the recorder is stopped and theHome Screen is open, press the MENUkey.3 Use the DATA wheel to select thePREFERENCE menu and press the F4 (¥)key to open the PREFERENCE screen.4 Use the F3 (§) and F4 (¶) keys to selectFootSW Polarity.5 Without stepping on the foot switch, usethe DATA wheel to set the value to OFF.6 After making the setting, press theHOME key to return to the Home Screen.7 – Recorder Functions