Section 2 • SpecificationsJanuary 2016Part No. 824982 Genie TZ-50 2 - 7Torque ProcedureSeal-Lok™ fi ttings1 Replace the O-ring. The O-ring must bereplaced anytime the seal has been broken.The O-ring cannot be re-used if the fitting orhose end has been tightened beyond fi ngertight.Note: The O-rings used in the Parker Seal Lok™fi ttings and hose ends are custom-size O-rings.They are not standard SAE size O-rings. They areavailable in the O-ring fi eld service kit (Genie partnumber 49612).2 Lubricate the O-ring before installation.3 Be sure that the face seal O-ring is seated andretained properly.4 Position the tube and nut squarely on the faceseal end of the fitting and tighten the nut fi ngertight.5 Tighten the nut or fi tting to the appropriatetorque per given size as shown in the table.6 Operate all machine functions and inspect thehoses and fi ttings and related components toconfi rm that there are no leaks.JIC 37° fi ttings1 Align the tube fl are (hex nut) against the noseof the fitting body (body hex fi tting) and tightenthe hex nut to the body hex fi tting to hand-tight,approximately 30 in-lbs / 3.4 Nm.2 Make a reference mark on one of the fl ats ofthe hex nut, and continue it on to the body hexfi tting with a permanent ink marker. Refer toFigure 1.Figure 1a hex nutb reference markc body hex fi tting3 Working clockwise on the body hex fi tting,make a second mark with a permanent inkmarker to indicate the proper tighteningposition. Refer to Figure 2.Note: Use the JIC 37° Fittings table on theprevious page to determine the correct number offl ats for the proper tightening position.Note: The marks indicate that the correcttightening positions have been determined. Usethe second mark on the body hex fi tting to properlytighten the joint after it has been loosened.Figure 2a body hex fi ttingb reference markc second mark4 Tighten the hex nut until the mark on the hexnut is aligned with the second mark on thebody hex fi tting.5 Operate all machine functions and inspect thehoses and fittings and related components toconfi rm that there are no leaks.abcabcbSPECIFICATIONS