Part No. 824982 Genie TZ-50 4 - 21January 2016 Section 4 • Repair Procedures28 Remove the pin retaining fasteners securingthe secondary link pivot pin to the turntable.29 Using a soft metal drift, remove the secondarylink pivot pin.Crushing hazard. The secondarylink could become unbalancedand fall if not properly supportedwhen the pin is removed.30 Release the latch at the tongue end of themachine.31 Remove the secondary link from the machine.Crushing hazard. The secondarylink could become unbalancedand fall if not properly supportedwhen removed from the machine.32 Tag, disconnect and plug the hoses from thesecondary lift cylinder. Cap the fi ttings on thecylinder.33 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacityfrom an overhead crane to the secondary liftcylinder. Raise the cylinder to a horizontalposition.34 Remove the pin retaining fasteners securingthe secondary lift cylinder pivot pin to the mid-pivot.35 Using a soft metal drift, remove the secondarylift cylinder pivot pin. Remove the cylinder fromthe machine.Crushing hazard. The cylindercould fall if not properly supportedwhen the pivot pin is removed.4-2Secondary Boom Lift CylinderThe secondary boom lift cylinder raises and lowersthe secondary boom. The secondary boom liftcylinder is equipped with a counterbalance valveto prevent movement in the event of a hydraulicline failure.1 Release the boom latch at both the tongue endand turntable end of the boom.2 Raise the secondary boom to a horizontalposition.3 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity froman overhead crane to the mid-pivot. Supportthe mid-pivot. Do not apply any lifting pressure.4 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity froman overhead crane to the lift cylinder. Supportthe cylinder. Do not apply any lifting pressure.5 Remove the pin retaining fasteners securingthe lift cylinder rod end pivot pin.6 Place a wooden block between the secondarylink and the lift cylinder.7 Using a soft metal drift, remove the lift cylinderpivot pin.Crushing hazard. The cylindercould fall if not properly supportedwhen the pivot pin is removed.8 Lower the cylinder onto the wooden block.9 Rotate the rod end of the secondary boom liftcylinder approximately 90°.10 Raise the cylinder slightly, remove the blockand lower the cylinder through the secondarylink and onto the front bulkhead.SECONDARY BOOM COMPONENTS