Part No. 824982 Genie TZ-50 4 - 29January 2016 Section 4 • Repair ProceduresHow to Remove theHydraulic PumpNote: When removing a hose assembly or fi tting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or thehose end must be replaced. All connections mustbe torqued to specifi cation during installation.Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and FittingTorque Specifi cations.1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine.Electrocution hazard. Contact withelectrically charged circuits couldresult in death or serious injury.Remove all rings, watches andother jewelry.2 Tag and disconnect the hydraulic power unitcables at the motor controller.3 Remove the hydraulic power unit retainingfasteners.5 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hard lineat the pump. Cap the fi tting on the pump.6 Tag, disconnect and plug the high pressurehose at the pump. Cap the fi tting on the pump.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil to squirtor spray.HYDRAULIC PUMP7 Remove the pump mounting bolts. Carefullyremove the pump.Tip-over hazard. After replacingthe hydraulic pump, it is critical toreturn the function speed settingsto original factory specifications.Failure to restore the machineto original factory specificationscould cause the machine to tipover resulting in death or seriousinjury.