3 - 14 Genie TZ-50 Part No. 824982January 2016Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresB-4Test the Manual OverrideTesting the manual override for malfunctions isessential for safe machine operation. An unsafeworking condition exists if the manual overridefunction does not operate in the event of a mainpower loss.Turntable Rotate1 Locate the turntable rotate valve coils on thefunction manifold. Push in and hold the redthumbscrew at the center of the valve stem.Result: The head of the thumbscrew shouldmove 1/4 inch / 6 mm inwards.a turntable rotate valveb secondary boom down valvec primary boom down valved primary boom up valvee boom extend/retract valveB-3Inspect the Electrical ContactorGenie requires that this procedure be performedevery 250 hours or quarterly, whichever comesfi rst.Maintaining the electrical contactor in goodcondition is essential to safe machine operation.Failure to locate a worn or damaged contactorcould result in an unsafe working condition andcomponent damage.1 At the ground controls, turn the key switch tothe off position and push in the red EmergencyStop button to the off position.2 Disconnect the batteries.3 Locate the electrical contactor mounted on thefuse bracket.4 Visually inspect the contact points of thecontactor for the following items:• Excessive burns• Excessive arcs• Excessive pittingElectrocution/burn hazard.Contact with hot or live circuitscould result in death or seriousinjury. Remove all rings, watchesand other jewelry.Note: Replace the contactor if any damage isfound.CHECKLIST B PROCEDURESabcde