Part No. 824982 Genie TZ-50 4 - 25January 2016 Section 4 • Repair Procedures8 Install the new level sensor onto the machinewith the "X" on the level sensor housing locatedas shown in the illustrations. Install and tightenthe level sensor retaining fasteners.9 Connect the wire harness to the level sensor.10 Tighten the level sensor adjusting fastenersuntil the bubble in the top of the level sensor iscentered in the circles.Note: Be sure there are threads showing throughthe top of the adjusting fasteners.11 Turn the key switch to ground control and pullout the red Emergency Stop buttons to theon position at both the ground and platformcontrols.12 Raise the secondary boom approximately12 inches / 30 cm.Result: The tilt sensor alarm should not sound.13 Using a digital level, lower the tank side of themachine until the turntable is 2.4° out of level.Result: The tilt sensor alarm should not sound.Result: The tilt alarm will sound at 180 beepsper minute. The level sensor is faulty and mustbe replaced. Repeat this procedure beginningwith step 6.14 Continue to lower the tank side of the machineuntil the turntable is 2.7° out of level.Result: The tilt alarm will sound at 180 beepsper minute.Result: The tilt alarm does not sound. The levelsensor is faulty and must be replaced. Repeatthis procedure beginning with step 6.15 Push and hold the yellow function enablebutton. Push and hold the auto level button.Result: The outriggers will lower and adjust tolevel the machine and raise the wheels off theground. Use the bubble level located below theground controls to confi rm that the machine islevel.16 Using a digital level, lower the ground controlside of the machine until the turntable is 2.4°out of level.Result: The tilt sensor alarm should not sound.Result: The tilt alarm will sound at 180 beepsper minute. The level sensor is faulty and mustbe replaced. Repeat this procedure beginningwith step 6.17 Continue to lower the ground control side of themachine until the turntable is 2.7° out of level.Result: The tilt alarm will sound at 180 beepsper minute.Result: The tilt alarm does not sound. The levelsensor is faulty and must be replaced. Repeatthis procedure beginning with step 6.18 Push and hold the yellow function enablebutton. Push and hold the auto level button.Result: The outriggers will lower and adjust tolevel the machine and raise the wheels off theground. Use the bubble level located below theground controls to confi rm that the machine islevel.19 Using a digital level, lower the platform end ofthe machine until the turntable is 2.4° out oflevel.Result: The tilt sensor alarm should not sound.Result: The tilt alarm will sound at 180 beepsper minute. The level sensor is faulty and mustbe replaced. Repeat this procedure beginningwith step 6.GROUND CONTROLS