Part No. 824982 Genie TZ-50 3 - 11January 2016 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance ProceduresA-11Grease the Turntable RotationBearing and Rotate GearGenie specifi cations require that this procedure beperformed every 100 hours of operation.Regular application of lubrication to the turntablebearing and rotate gear is essential to goodmachine performance and service life. Continueduse of an insufficiently greased bearing and gearwill result in component damage.1 Raise the boom enough to access the turntablebearing.2 Locate the grease fi tting below the groundcontrol box.3 Pump multipurpose grease into the turntablerotation bearing. Rotate the turntable inincrements of 4 to 5 inches / 10 to 13 cm ata time and repeat this step until the entirebearing has been greased.4 Apply grease to each tooth of the drive gearlocated under the turntable.Grease type Multipurpose greaseCHECKLIST A PROCEDURESA-12Perform Engine Maintenance(if equipped)Engine specifications require that this procedurebe performed every 6 months or every 100 hours,whichever comes fi rst. Perform this proceduremore often if dusty conditions exist.• Replace engine oil• Clean fuel sediment cup• Check/clean spark plugRequired maintenance procedures and additionalengine information is available in the HondaGX160 Engine Owner Manual(Honda part number 31ZH7630).Honda GX160 Owner's ManualGenie part number 97228