December 2019 Service and Repair ManualPlatform ControlsPart No. 1268496GT SX™-150 25How to Set the F unction T hresholds and D efault Func tions SpeedsHow to Set the FunctionThresholds and DefaultFunctions SpeedsNote: Before the threshold and default functionspeeds can be set, the boom function proportionalvalve coil defaults must be set first. Refer to RepairProcedure, How to Reset a Proportional Valve CoilDefault.Note: If a boom function proportional valve coil hasnot been replaced and just want to reset thefunction speed to original factory settings, proceedto Function speeds procedure.1 Start the engine from the platform controls.2 Press down the foot switch.Note: Be sure the engine rpm is set to foot switchactivated high idle.Function threshold:3 Select a joystick controlled function that needsto have the threshold set.4 Slowly move the joystick off center in eitherdirection just until the machine function startsto move, then move the joystick very slowlytowards the neutral or center position justbefore the machine function stops. Do not letgo of the joystick.5 While holding the joystick in position, press theengine start button at the platform controls toset the joystick controller threshold.6 Slowly move the joystick off center in theopposite direction just until the machinefunction starts to move, then move the joystickvery slowly towards the neutral or centerposition just before the machine functionstops. Do not let go of the joystick.7 While holding the joystick in position, press theengine start button at the platform controls toset the joystick controller threshold.8 Repeat steps for each joystick controlledmachine function:• turntable rotate left/right.• primary boom extend/retract.• drive forward/reverse.9 Once the threshold has been set, press andhold the engine start button until the engineshuts off. Do not press the red EmergencyStop button.Note: Approximately 3 seconds after the engineshuts off, the alarm at the ground controls willsound to indicate the settings are being saved inmemory.10 At the ground controls, turn the key switch tothe off position, wait a moment and then turnthe key switch to platform controls.11 Check the display at the ground controls to besure there are no calibration faults.Note: There should be no calibration faults shownon the display. If calibration faults exist, repeat thisprocedure.