Service and Repair Manual December 2019Boom Components68 SX™-150 Part No. 1268496GT8 Press and hold the enter button on the groundcontrol panel while pulling out the groundcontrols red Emergency Stop button to the onposition. Hold the enter button forapproximately 5 seconds and then release it.9 Enter sensor calibration mode by pressing thebuttons at the ground controls in the followingsequence: (plus)(enter)(enter)(plus).10 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until DELETE PRIMARY BOOMLENGTH CALIBRATION is displayed.11 Press the plus button to select YES, thenpress the enter button to accept.12 Start the engine and attempt to retract theboom to insure it is fully retracted.13 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until BOOM FULLYRETRACTED? is displayed.14 Press the plus button to select YES, thenpress the enter button to accept.15 Fully extend the boom.16 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until BOOM FULLY EXTENDED?is displayed.17 Press the plus button to select YES, thenpress the enter button to accept.18 Press and hold the engine start button forapproximately 5 seconds to shut off the engineand to save the calibration settings.Result: An audible alarm sounds for 1 second.Calibration has been stored.Note: Do not turn the engine off with the key switchor red Emergency Stop button or all calibrationpoints or values will not be saved.19 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until EXIT is displayed.20 Press the plus button to select YES, thenpress the enter button to accept.21 Turn the bypass/recovery key switch to the runposition.22 Remove the key from the bypass/recovery keyswitch and insert the key into the main keyswitch.23 Remove the fastener that was temporarilyinstalled. Close the control box door and installthe door retaining fasteners.Note: When the control box door is closed, thecalibration toggle switch is automatically activatedto exit out of calibration mode.24 Start the engine and retract the boom to thestowed position.Verify there are no primaryboom length sensor calibration faults shownon the display.