114 Instruments, controlsBoard information display 3,trip computer 3The trip computer provides information ondriving data, which is continually recordedand evaluated electronically.Access trip computer vehicle data bypressing the BC button on the infotainmentsystem or the left adjuster wheel 3 on thesteering wheel.Some information appears in the display inan abbreviated form.Once an audio function has been selected,the subsequent rows of the trip computerfunction are displayed.The functions are displayed in the followingorder:z Instantaneous consumptionz Average consumptionz Effective consumptionz Average speedz Distance travelledz Rangez Stop watchInstantaneous consumptionDisplay changes depending on speed:Average consumptionAverage consumption display.Measurement may be reset to zero at anytime and restarted, see "Resetting the tripcomputer information".Effective consumptionFuel consumption display. Measurementmay be reset to zero at any time andrestarted, see "Resetting the trip computerinformation".Average speedAverage speed display. Measurement maybe reset to zero at any time and restarted,see "Resetting the trip computerinformation".Stoppages in the journey with the ignitionoff are not included in the calculations.Distance travelledDistance travelled display. Measurementmay be reset to zero at any time andrestarted, see "Resetting the trip computerinformation".Display in gal/h below 8 mph (13 km/h),Display in mpg above 8 mph (13 km/h).11:25} 21 .5°CInst. Consumpt.17.6 miles/gal