206 Driving and operationWarning messages in the graphicalinformation display 3 or colour informationdisplay 3In the version with check control 3 differingtyre pressures while driving are indicatedby messages on the information display.The message appears in abbreviated formdepending on the version.For example, the following messages canbe displayed:A graphic 3 indicating the left rear tyre isshown together with the current tyrepressure: Slight pressure deviation. Reducespeed. Check pressure at next opportunitywith appropriate gauge and correct ifnecessary.On the colour information display thisreport will appear in yellow.A diagram 3 appears at the same time,marking the front left tyre and showing thecurrent tyre pressure: Considerablepressure difference or direct loss ofpressure! Exit flow of traffic as soon aspossible without obstructing other vehicles,stop and check tyre and tyre pressure.Fit spare wheel if necessary, seepages 233, 234.On the colour information display thisreport will appear in red.Acknowledgement of warnings – seepage 124.Navi activeTyre pressureOKcheck rearleft(value in bar)Navi activeAttention!OKFront left tyrepressure loss(value in bar)