229Self-help, vehicle careConnect the leads in the order shown in theillustration:1. Connect one end of the first jump lead tothe positive terminal 1 of the batteryproviding the jump start (identified by"+" sign on battery case or terminal).2. Connect the other end of this lead to thepositive terminal 2 of the dischargedbattery ("+" sign).3. Connect the first end of the other jumplead to the negative terminal 3 of thebattery providing the start ("–" sign).4. Connect the other end of the secondjump lead 4 to ground on the othervehicle, e.g. engine block or screwconnection in the engine suspension.z Do not connect leads to negativeterminal of discharged battery!z The connection point should be as faraway from the discharged battery aspossible.z Route the leads so that they cannotcatch on rotating parts in the enginecompartment.z Start the engine of the vehicle providingthe jump start.z After 5 minutes, start the other engine.Start attempts should be made atintervals of 1 minute not last longerthan 15 seconds.z After starting, allow both engines to idlefor approx. 3 minutes with the leadsconnected.z In order to avoid excess voltage in theelectrical system, before removing alead, switch on an electrical consumer(e.g. light, heated rear window) in thevehicle receiving the jump start.z Reverse above sequence exactly whenremoving leads.