42 Keys, doors, windows, sun roofElectric windowsThe electric windows can be usedz with ignition on,z within 10 minutes of switching ignitionoff,z within 10 minutes of opening or closingthe driver’s door,z within 10 minutes of inserting orremoving the ignition key.Readiness for operation stops when thevehicle is locked.Operation via 2 rocker buttons in thedriver’s door. Additional rocker buttons inthe front passenger door and the reardoors 3.To operate window in stages, tap switch.For automatic opening or closing, keepswitch pressed for slightly longer; to stopwindow movement, tap switch again.Vehicles with rear 3 electric windows havea slide switch between the buttons in thedriver’s doorz up: the front windows can be operatedusing the buttons,z down: the rear windows can be operatedusing the buttons.9 WarningTake care when operating the electronicwindows. Risk of injury, especially forchildren. Vehicle occupants should beinformed accordingly.If there are children on the rear seat,switch on the child safety system 3 forthe electric windows.Keep a close watch on the windows whenclosing them. Ensure that nothingbecomes trapped in them as they move.