112 Safety systemsPicture no: 17111t.tifVauxhall Full Size airbag systemFront airbagThe front airbag system is identified by theword AIRBAG on the steering wheel andabove the glove compartment.The front airbag system comprises:z an airbag with inflator in the steeringwheel and a second one in theinstrument panel,z control electronics with impact sensors,z the airbag systems control indicator v inthe instrument panel,Picture no: 17621j.tifz seat occupancy recognition 3,z the control indicator for Vauxhall childrestraint systems y with transponders 3in the instrument panel.The front airbag system will be triggered:z depending on the severity of theaccident,z depending on the type of impact,z within the range shown in the illustration,z independent of side airbag and curtainairbag system 3.Exception:Passenger seat with seat occupancyrecognition system 3. The seat occupancyrecognition system deactivates the frontand side airbags on the passenger side ifthe front passenger seat is unoccupied or aVauxhall child restraint system withtransponders 3 has been fitted to the frontpassenger seat. Seat occupancyrecognition – see page 118. Vauxhall childrestraint system with transponders 3– see page 124.Examples of events triggering the frontairbag system:z Impact against a non-yielding obstacle:the front airbags are triggered at lowvehicle speed.z Impact against a yielding obstacle:(such as another vehicle): the frontairbags are only triggered at a highervehicle speed.