242 Self-help10. Before refitting the wheel trim, clean thewheel around the retaining clips. Valvesymbol 3 on back of wheel trim mustpoint towards valve on wheel.Align and refit wheel trim or wheel boltcaps 3.Alloy wheels 3: Align and refit wheelbolt caps 3.11. Stow away replaced wheel, tools andwarning triangle in the luggagecompartment, see page 238.12. Check the tyre pressure of the newlymounted wheel. Correct if necessary.13. Have the tightening torque of the wheelbolts on the new wheel checked on thevehicle using a torque wrench as soonas possible and, if necessary, corrected.Tightening torque – see page 299.14. Replace the faulty tyre on the wheelthat was removed.15. Replace temporary spare wheel 3 witha full specification wheel without delay.Tyre repair kit 3Minor damage to the tyre tread or sidewall, e.g. from foreign bodies, can berepaired using the tyre repair kit.Do not remove the foreign body from thetyre.Tyre damage exceeding 4 mm or that is onthe rim cannot be repaired with the tyrerepair kit.Important information – see page 246.In the event of a flat tyre:z Switch on hazard warning lights, applyhand brake, automatic transmission 3 -selector lever in P, manual transmissionor Easytronic 3 - engage 1st or reversegear.z Correctly set up the warning triangle.Warning triangle – see page 234.9 WarningDriving with inadequate tyre pressure ora flat tyre can lead to hidden tyredamage, which cannot be eliminated byusing the tyre repair kit. Part the vehicleand consult a workshop. We recommendyour Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.