273Maintenance, Inspection SystemBrake fluid changeBrake fluid is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbswater. If the brakes become hot, such aswhen driving on long downhill stretches,vapour bubbles can occur in the water,which can have an extremely adverseeffect on braking power (depending on theproportion of water).The fluid change intervals specified in theService Booklet must therefore beobserved.Windscreen wiperClear vision is essential for safe driving.Perform regular checks on the windscreenwiper and headlight wash systems 3 toensure they are operating correctly. Werecommend wiper blade replacement atleast once a year.If the windscreen is dirty, operate thewindscreen wash system before switchingon the windscreen wiper or setting thewiper to automatic operation with the rainsensor 3. This will avoid wiper blade wear.Do not switch on the windscreen wiper orset them to automatic operation with therain sensor 3 if the windscreen is iced up asthis could damage the wiper blades or thewiper system.If the wiper becomes frozen on to the glass,we recommend that they be released withthe aid of Vauxhall De-icer Spray.Smearing wiper blades can be cleaned witha soft cloth and Vauxhall WindscreenWash Solvent.Wiper blades whose lips have becomehardened, cracked or covered with siliconemust be replaced. This may be necessaryas a result of the effects of ice, thawing saltor heat, or the incorrect use of cleaningagents.Switch off the windscreen wiper orautomatic wiper with rain sensor 3 in carwashes, see pages 17, 279.Windscreen wiper blade maintenance, seepage 280.69 WarningWe recommend that you have brake fluidchanged by a Vauxhall AuthorisedRepairer, who will be familiar with therequirements of the law as regardsdisposal of brake fluid and can thus helpto protect the environment and yourhealth.