158 Climate controlElectronic climate controlsystem 3Provides a the greatest amount of comfortin the interior regardless of the weather,outside temperature or season.To ensure a constant and comfortableclimate in the vehicle, the temperature ofthe inflowing air, the air-flow rate and theair distribution are changed automaticallyaccording to climatic conditions outsidethe vehicle.The air is automatically regulated inaccordance with the settings personallyselected for the driver and passenger sides.Temperature changes due to externalinfluences, such as direct sunlight, areautomatically compensated.Data is shown on the information display.Setting modifications are briefly shown inthe information display, superimposingover the currently displayed menu.The display can vary according to the typeof presentation – see page 42.The settings of the climate control systemare automatically stored specifically for thevehicle key used. See page 64.Picture no: 17675j.tifDifferent settings are stored for eachremote control. Use of a remote control willactivate the settings associated with it.Manual settings e. g. operating withoutcooling and air distribution can be selectedusing the menu – see page 160.When cooling (air conditioningcompressor) is active, air is cooled anddehumidified.The pollen filter removes dust, soot, pollenand spores from the inflowing outside air.Picture no: 17676j.tifThe automatic air recirculation system 3has an air quality sensor 3 to detectharmful ambient gases, in which case it willswitch automatically to recirculation.When set to automatic mode, the climatecontrol system provides the optimalsettings for almost all conditions. Ifnecessary, climate control system settingscan be modified manually.The climate control system is onlyoperational when the engine is running.Cooling (air conditioning compressor)switches off automatically at low outsidetemperatures.