293Technical DataWeights, payload and roof loadThe payload is the difference between thepermitted gross vehicle weight (seeidentification plate, page 282) and the ECkerb weight.To calculate the kerb weight, enter thedata for your vehicle below:z Kerb weight fromTable 1,pages 294, 296 +.............. kgz Additional weight ofequipment versions fromTable 2, page 297 +.............. kgz Weight of heavyaccessories from Table 3,page 298 +.............. kgThe total =.............. kgis the EC kerb weight.Optional equipment and accessoriesincrease the kerb weight, which means thatthe payload will also change slightly.Pay attention to weight ranges in vehicledocuments and on identification plate.The combined total of front and rear axleloads must not exceed the permissiblegross vehicle weight. For example, if thefront axle is bearing its maximumpermissible load, the rear axle can onlybear a load that is equal to the grossvehicle weight minus the front axle load.When the caravan/trailer is coupled andthe towing vehicle fully loaded (includingall occupants), the permissible rear axleload (see identification plate or vehicledocuments) may be exceeded by 40 kg. Ifthe permissible rear axle load is exceeded,a maximum speed of 60 mph (100 km/h)applies. If national regulations specify alower maximum speed for vehicles towinga caravan/trailer, this must be observed.See the identification plate or vehicledocuments for permissible axle loads.Roof loadThe permitted roof load for the saloon is90 kg, for the estate without roof railing it is75 kg, and for the estate with roof railing itis 100 kg. The roof load consists of thecombined weight of the roof rack and theload.Driving hints – see page 186.Roof rack, see page 220.