FEDCBA9876543210 - +1 21376524Fig. 14: Indicating and adjustment elements1 Status indication operating relay 1 and 22 Status indication fail safe relay3 Status indication operation4 Adjustment keys +/-5 Insertable tag for identification of the measurement loop6 Function switch7 LC displayKey functionsl [Function switch] for selection of:- Adjustment- Relay switching points- Indication scaling- Current output- Integration time- Offset correction- Current input active/passivel [+/-] key:- Change value of the parameterBy pushing the [+/-] key, you change the individualparameters of the selected function. In this phase,the processed parameter is flashing. By brieflypushing the two keys simultaneously, you saveyour settings. "Save" is briefly displayed.6.2 Setup procedureSet upThe setup comprises first of all the adjustment ofthe measurement loop. A scaling of the measuredvalue for the LC display and the adaptation of therelay switching points are further settings. Addi-tional setup steps would be, if necessary, theadjustment of an integration time to smooth themeasured value or a modifcation of the currentoutput characteristics.To clearly denote the measuring unit, the suppliedlabels can be inserted in the cover. In case severalVEGAMET 381 are used, each measurement loopshould be clearly labelled.Switch-on phaseAfter being switched on, VEGAMET 381 first of allcarries out a short self-check. The following stepsare carried out:l Internal check of the electronicsl Indication of the firmware versionl The output signal jumps briefly to the set faultvalueThen the actual measured value is displayed andthe corresponding current is transmitted to thecurrent output.Measured value indicationThe measured value indication shows the digitalindication value and also an analogue bargraph.Here, it is absolutely necessary that the functionswitch is set to position [ 0] ("OPERATE").Function switchThe following functions can be selected via therotary switch:l 0: Measured value display and simulationl 1: Relay 1 switching point ONl 2: Relay 1 switching point OFFl 3: Relay 2 switching point ONl 4: Relay 2 switching point OFFl 5: Decimal point position of the scalingl 6: Scaling for 100 %l 7: Scaling for 0 %l 8: Switch over current output 0/4 … 20 mAl 9: Damping of the measured value (integrationtime)l A: Offset correctionl B: Min. adjustment in percent by changing thelevell C: Max. adjustment in percent by changing thelevell D: Min. adjustment in mA without modifying thelevell E: Max. adjustment in mA without modifyingthe levelVEGAMET 381 23Setup with the integrated indicating and adjustment unit27567-01-070216