52OPERATING MANUALVERSION 05/2017 ORDER NUMBER DOC 2354920 SPRINT XE8.3 PERIODIC CHECKING OF THE MANUAL SYSTEM8.3.1 AIRFLUID VERSIONP_01785EPG SPRINT X0 %1020304050Ø12101198m /h2. %Tri90607046135P_017872P_1789H17Procedure:1. Release the trigger on the spray gun.The high voltage and the powder feed aredeactivated.2. Lift the feed unit up, underneath the injector,and lift it out of the tank until retaining clamp(H) swivels downwards.3. Lower the feed system into the parking positionand swivel it to the right side so that no morepowder is forwarded.4. Hold the gun in the spray booth and start theflush function by pressing the "Flush" button (17).The injector and hoses are flushed.5. Switch off control unit.6. Remove the union nut on powder feed hose(3) and disconnect powder feed hose (3) frominjector (4).7. Disconnect powder feed hose (5) (red) from injector(4).8. Disconnect dosing air hose (6) (blue) from injector(4).9. Pull the fluid air hose (black) off suction connector(2).10. Pull injector (4) out of feed unit (1).11. Check injector 4 for wear and replace worn partsif necessary.The wearing and spare parts can be found in thepowder injector's operating manual.12. Pull feed unit (1) out of the holder arm.13. Blow out the intake tube of the feed unit (1)thoroughly and rub it clean with a dry cloth.14. Check whether the fluid disk on the bottom ofthe feed unit is blocked and replace if necessary.