22 Device Description WAGO-SPEEDWAY 767767-5203 Serial Interface (RS-232, RS-422/-485)ManualVersion 1.1.0Pos : 19.22 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine M odul e)/Übersc hriften für all e Seri en/Gerätebes chr eibung/Sc hematisc hes Schaltbild - Übersc hrift 2 @ 4\mod_1240984441312_21.doc x @ 31967 @ 2 @ 13.5 Schematic DiagramPos : 19.23 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Gerätebeschr eibung/Sc hematis che Sc haltbilder/I/O-M odule/Ei nleitung zum sc hematisc hen Sc haltbil d 767-5xxx Interfac e + DIO @ 12\mod_1329292618498_21.doc x @ 89004 @ @ 1The following schematic diagram provides an overview of the power supply andprinciple of operation of the power supply connections, as well as the digitalinputs and outputs of the modules (see also sections "Connecting the SupplyCable" and "Connecting the Sensor/Actuator Cable").Please note that the common power supply of the sensors and actuators isdistributed to the module connections X1 and X2 (each pin 1).Pos : 19.24 /Serie 767 ( WAGO-SPEED WAY)/Gerätebeschr eibung/Sc hematis che Sc haltbilder/I/O-M odule/Sc hematisches Sc hal tbil d 767-5203 @ 11\mod_1317717370168_21.doc x @ 80485 @ @ 1Figure 6: Schematic diagramPos : 19.25 /D okumentati on allgemei n/Gli ederungsel emente/---Seitenwec hs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1