WAGO-SPEEDWAY 767 Serial Interface 75767-5203 Serial Interface (RS-232, RS-422/-485)ManualVersion Control of Internal BuffersThe fill level of internal buffers appears in the status byte of the respectiveinterface (see input process image).• Bit 1 is set once the output buffer is full and the module cannot accept anydata from the control unit.• Bit 2 is set once the reception buffer is full and the module can no longertake any data from the external device.• Bit 4 is set if the output buffer is empty, i.e. all data has been output via theinterface.If the reception buffer is full, the module generates the required control signals forthe externally connected device when flow control has been activated for theinterface.The internal buffer can be cleared as required. To do so, proceed as follows:1. Setting of bit 1 (buffer reset) in the control byte of the respective interfaceby the control unit.2. The module responds after the buffer has been successfully cleared bysetting bit 3 (confirmation of buffer reset) in the status byte.3. Cancelation of bit 1 (buffer reset) in the control byte of the respectiveinterface.4. The module cancels bit 3 (buffer reset confirmation).Pos : 40 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungs elemente/---Seitenwechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1