SecurityPhaser 4622System Administrator Guide95SNMPSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) settings can be configured via Internet Services.1. At your Workstation, open the web browser, enter the TCP/IP Address of the machine in theAddress bar.2. Press Enter.3. Click on the Properties tab.4. Click on the Connectivity link.5. Click on the Protocols link.6. Click on the SNMP link.7. Click on the Enable checkbox.Edit SNMP settings1. Click on the Edit button.If prompted, enter the Administrator’s User ID admin and Password 1111, and click on Login.2. Enter the GET Community Name and SET Community Name details under the CommunityNames area.Note If you change the GET and/or SET Community Names, you must change all networkapplications that are communicating via SNMP with this machine to use the new GET/SET names.3. Enter a name for the default TRAP Community Name. The default is SNMP_trap. The DefaultTRAP community name is used to specify the default community name for all traps generated bythis machine. A trap is a notification of an event.4. Click on the Enable checkbox to enable Authentication Failure Generic Traps.When the Authentication Failure Generic Traps is enabled, the machine will generate a trap forevery SNMP request that is received by the machine which contains an invalid community name.5. Click on the Apply button to accept changes, Cancel to return the settings to their previous valuesand return to the SNMP Properties screen, or Undo to return the settings to their default valuesbut remain in the Community Names screen.