SMart eSolutionsPhaser 4622System Administrator Guide104Meter Assistant™The Meter Assistant™ is a component of SMart eSolutions. The Meter Assistant™ tab on the SMarteSolutions page provides detailed information, including dates, times, and counts of impressions sentin the last billing meter transmission.The meter data is recorded in the Xerox service management system. It is used for the invoicing ofmetered service agreements, and also for evaluating consumable usage against printer performance.The automatic collection of the meter reads will ensure quality and reliability of the data we use tomanage your service agreements.To Enable Meter Assistant™ - Meter E-mail Alerts1. At your Workstation, open the web browser and enter the IP Address of the machine in theAddress Bar.2. Press Enter.3. Click the Status icon.4. Click SMart eSolutions. The SMart eSolutions page displays.5. Click on the Meter Assistant tab.6. The Meter Assistant area displays the following:• Last communication date• Billing meter information sent in last transmission7. For Meter E-mail Alerts one of the following displays:• Not Configured• Fully Configured8. Click on Settings to configure Meter E-mail Alerts.a. The Alert Notification page displays. In the Recipient List area enter the e-mail address inthe following fields to receive E-mail alert notifications:• SysAdmin Email Address• Key User E-mail Address• Service E-mail AddressNote To receive the alert notifications, ensure System Administrator information has been addedin the Contact Information field on the Support page.b. In the Recipient Conditions area check the specific alert checkbox you want each recipientto receive.c. In the Alert Notifications area, for SMart eSolutions Alert select the following requiredalerts:• Billing meter reads reported - an alert is generated when billing meter readings havetaken place. You can set up your machine so that it will automatically offer meterreadings when requested by the Xerox Communication Server.• Smart eSolutions enrollment is cancelled - an alert is generated when the state ischanged from "Enrolled" to "Not Enrolled."