30 www.xilinx.com Spartan-6 FPGA Power ManagementUG394 (v1.1) September 4, 2012Chapter 3: Lower-Power Spartan-6 LX DevicesTable 3-1 summarizes the designations for a member of the lower-power Spartan-6 LXdevices.Lower-Power Spartan-6 LX Device SpecificationsSeveral specifications are different for the lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices than in thestandard Spartan-6 LX family. All of the differences are listed in DS162, Spartan-6 FPGAData Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics.The lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices require a V CCINT of 1.0V ±5%, or 0.95V to 1.05V. Itis not tested or guaranteed at 1.2V, and therefore the VCCINT cannot be scaled up and downbetween 1.2V and 1.0V. In the same way, a standard Spartan-6 LX device cannot beoperated at 1.0V.The lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices have lower-power specifications, as seen in thedata sheet for quiescent current, and in the Power Estimators for both quiescent anddynamic current and power. See Chapter 5, Power Estimation.Because of the reduction in maximum V CCINT, the maximum time for ramping up isshorter. See the VCCINTR ramp time specification in DS162, Spartan-6 FPGA Data Sheet: DCand Switching Characteristics.Because the I/O thresholds for LVCMOS12, LVCMOS15, and LVCMOS18 are based on theV CCINT level, they are slightly lower for the lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices than thestandard Spartan-6 family. See the SelectIO Interface DC Input and Output Levels table inDS162, Spartan-6 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics.The lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices require V CCAUX = 2.5V when using the LVDS_25,LVDS_33, BLVDS_25, LVPECL_25, RSDS_25, RSDS_33, PPDS_25, and PPDS_33I/O standards on inputs. LVPECL_33 is not supported in these devices.Lower-power Spartan-6 LX devices only support tap 0 of the IODELAY2.Table 3-1: Lower-Power Spartan-6 LX Device Designation ExamplesDesignation ExampleOrdering Code XC6SLX16-L1CSG324CMarkXC6SLX16CSG324DxxxxxxxA (lot code)L1CSoftware Family In software choose:Spartan6 Lower PowerSoftware Device XC6SLX16L-1LCSG324Speed Specification -1L