3-2165467-1CDHW1481803Pendant OscilloscopeFunction3 Saving and Loading the Measurement Data3.1 SaveMode Setting PanelThe file is automatically given a file name consisting of the time, date andthe year when the save operation starts (yyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg).The JPG file is saved in the root folder in the external CF or USB memoryof the pendant.When both CF and USB memory are inserted, USB memory is givenpriority for the data storage destination.3.1.2 CSV FileThe CSV file contains the setting parameters shown in Table 3-1.The CSV file can be used for file output of waveform data, as well as forbackup of the current setting status.NOTEThe setting parameters of TP oscilloscope are automaticallysaved to the pendant when {OK} is pressed on the ChannelSetting window or {CLOSE} on the Main screen.However, at system software version-up, these parametersare initialized. Use the CSV file for backup as necessary.Table 3-1: Parameters to Save for CSV FilesParameter DescriptionSampling time As leftTimescale setting(data length)As leftChannel setting Valid/InvalidTargetSignalTarget axisChannel display setting Zero point positionReference unitDisplay ON/OFFInvert ON/OFFTrigger setting Target channelTrigger typeTrigger levelPre-triggerAlarm numberValid/InvalidWaveform data Waveform data of available channel(s)31 of 48