5-2165467-1CDHW1481803Pendant OscilloscopeFunction5 Supplementary Explanation5.2 Reference Unit5.2 Reference UnitHere describes the reference unit.The data of measurement target has each unit, as shown in Table 5-1.When the speed reference is selected as a measurement signal of thetarget channel, the initial value of the reference unit is 1000 [rpm/div].This means that the speed is 1000 [rpm] when the output of vertical 1 [div]is given from the target channel zero position. From this relationship, theoutline of waveform data output on the waveform display area can begrasped.Example: with the setting of 1000 [rpm/div]:Output of 2.0 [div]: 2000 [rpm]Output of -3.3 [div]: -3300 [rpm]Since the reference unit can be changed in the {ChCondition} tab, thewaveform display scale in the vertical direction can be changedaccordingly.Example: with the actual output of 1000 [rpm]:Setting of 1000 [rpm/div]: Output of 1 divisionSetting of 500 [rpm/div]: Output of 2 divisionsTable 5-1: Unit of DataData type UnitSpeedreference[rpm]Rotating speed of target axis motor in a minuteSpeedfeedback[rpm]Actual rotating speed of target axis motor in one minuteTorquereference[%]Current torque reference value when the target axis motor ratedtorque is converted as 100%.Concurrent I/O No unit, for it is just an ON/OFF signal.To differentiate from other signal data, [U] (unit) is used forexpediency.OFF: 0 U is outputON: 1.0 U is outputRegister No unit, for it is just an register value.Register value is output without changed.Example: When the vertical scale is 100[-/div] and the targetregister value is 200, the output of 2 divisions is given .45 of 48