5 Supplementary Explanation5.1 Division [div]: Unit for Measurement Screen Position5-1165467-1CDHW1481803Pendant OscilloscopeFunction5 Supplementary ExplanationHere explains some of the terms used in this manual.5.1 Division [div]: Unit for Measurement Screen PositionThe PP oscilloscope includes the operation that specifies the variouspositions (or range) in the waveform display area, such as specifying zeropoint of measurement channel, specifying cursor range, or zoom range.To specify these positions, unit of “division [div]” is used. Here describesthe details.The waveform display area is represented in a range of 10 vertical gridsand 10 horizontal grids. The cell consisted of a vertical grid and ahorizontal grid is called as Division [div], both for vertical axis andhorizontal axis. The vertical axis is divided into 10 cells, 5 for the upperpart and 5 for the lower part. The center is regarded as 0 [div], and themaximum value in the upmost position is 5 [div], whereas the minimumvalue in the bottom position is -5 [div]. For the horizontal axis, the left endposition is regarded as 0 [div], and the right end position is 10 [div]. Theoutline is shown in Fig. 5-1.For example, in specifying 3 [div], if it is given to the vertical axis, it showsthe location in Fig. 5-1,whereas if it is given to the horizontal axis, itshows the location .Fig. 5-1: Illustration of Division in Waveform Display AreaVertical directionHorizontal direction44 of 48