5-57nn 00 66 44 :: Frequency Reference Loss Detection Factory setting: 00 (disabled)Range: 0 or 1The reference loss detection function is either enabled or disabled, based on the setting of nn 00 66 44.When enabled (data " 1 "), the reference loss detection compares the change in reference withrespect to time. If the reference decreases by 90% in more than 0.4 seconds, the drive willdecelerate to the set reference; if the reference decreases by 90% in less than 0.4 seconds, thedrive will continue to operate at 80% of the output frequency. To regain control of outputfrequency, either exceed the set reference (80% of reference) or initiate a STOP command. If AutoReference is less than Fmax (nn 00 11 11) x .05, this function is not performed.FWD RUNCOMMANDAUTOREFERENCEGPD 515OUTPUTFREQUENCY80%REF10%80%FREQ.0.4 SEC 0.4 SECTTiimmiinngg CChhaarrtt55..3333 FFRREEQQUUEENNCCYY RREEFFEERREENNCCEE LLOOSSSS DDEETTEECCTTIIOONNNote: This function applies to frequency references at terminal FR, RP or 2CN (Multi-Function Analog Input).Undertorque detection is used to compare Drive output current/torque with the undertorque detection level.When the output current is equal to or less than the defined level, an undertorque condition exists. This will beindicated as a UL3 fault on the Digital Operator. This feature can be selected to operate over a wide range ofconditions.A. n117 : Undertorque Detection Factory setting: 0This constant determines whether the undertorque detection function of the Drive is enabled, under whatconditions it will detect for undertorque, and what operation it will perform after detecting an undertorque.OperationUndertorque After DetectionSetting Disabled Detection Condition0 Disabled —— ——1 Undertorque Continues Only at set frequency2 Undertorque Coast to stop Only at set frequency3 Undertorque Continues At all times except duringstopping or DC injection braking4 Undertorque Coast to stop At all times except duringstopping or DC injection braking5.34 UNDERTORQUE DETECTION