5-42The Proportional, Integral and Derivative control function provides closed-loop control, or regulation,of a system process variable (pressure, temperature, etc.). This regulation is accomplished bycomparing a feedback signal to a setpoint reference, which results in an error signal. The PIDcontrol algorithm then performs calculations, based upon the PID parameter settings (n128 – n138,n163 and n164), on this error signal. The result of the PID algorithm is then used as the newfrequency reference, or is added to the existing speed reference.A. n128 : PID Control Selection Factory Setting: 0Range: 0 to 8Using this parameter, PID control can be enabled, and the type of PID control can be selected.B. Setpoint Reference Selectionn004 : Reference Selection Factory Setting: 0Range: 0 to 6n024 thru n032: Multi-step Frequency Presets Factory Settings:n032 = 6.0all others = 0.0Range (each): 0.0 to 400.0 HzThe frequency reference becomes the PID setpoint.C. Feedback Signal Selectionn164: PID Feedback Selection Factory setting: 0Range: 0 to 5* Set SW2(2) to “I” (ON). SW2 consists of two separate slide switches and can be found just abovethe upper row of control circuit terminals. The switch towards the bottom (labeled "2") connects a250Ω resistor from terminal FR to FC when set to the “I” (ON) position (to the right). NOTE: Allpower must be removed from the Drive before SW2 can be set. See Figure 1-1 for the locationof SW2.5.28 PID CONTROLSetting Description0 PID Disabled1 PID Enabled (D = Feed forward)2 PID Enabled (D = Feedback)3 PID Enabled, Reference + PID (D = Feed forward)4 PID Enabled, Reference + PID (D = Feedback)5 Inverse PID Enabled (D = Feed forward)6 Inverse PID Enabled (D = Feedback)7 Inverse PID Enabled, Reference + PID (D = Feed forward)8 Inverse PID Enabled, Reference + PID (D = Feedback)Setting Description0 Terminal FR (Voltage 0 – 10V)1 Terminal FR (Current 4 – 20 mA)*2 Terminal FR (Current 0 – 20 mA)*3 Multi-Function Analog Input (0 – 10V)4 Multi-Function Analog Input (Current 4 – 20mA)5 Pulse Input