5-5n175 : Reduce carrier at low speed selection Factory Setting: 0Range: 0 or 1When n175 is enabled (= “1”), the carrier frequency will automatically be reduced to 2.5 kHz,regardless of the setting of n080, whenever the output frequency is at or below 5 Hz AND theoutput current is above 110% of drive rated current.SETTING DESCRIPTION0 Disabled1 Carrier frequency reduced to 2.5 KHzFactorySettingFrequency(kHz)DeratedOutputCurrent (A) (2)(1) Output current rating of 21.0A applies only to V74X drive.(2) Derated Output Current values are the maximum currents available with acarrier frequency n080 setting of “4” (10kHz).Setting carrier frequency to a value higher than its factory setting requires derating of the drive’s outputcurrent - refer to the following table:RatedinputOld DriveModel No.New DriveModel No.CIMR-V7A*RatedOutputCurrent (A)n080NoDerate7.010.016.523. Derate14.017.0 / 19.8MVA001MVA002MVA003MVA005MVA008MVA011MVA017MVA025MVA033MVB001MVB002MVB003MVB005MVB009MVB015MVB01820P1020P2020P4020P7021P5022P2023P7023P7123P7240P2040P4040P7041P5043P7043P7043P70230V460V0. / 21.0 (1)4444333333333333101010107. DERATING FOR HIGHER CARRIER FREQUENCYCarrier frequency should be decreased as the distance between the drive and the motor increases,to reduce capacitive coupling in the motor leads.• For wiring distances greater than 100m (328 ft.), n080 should be set to 5 kHz (data " 2 " )or less.