5-58Continued— For undertorque detection during accel or decel, set to " 3 " or " 4 ".— For continuous operation after undertorque detection, set to " 1 " or " 3 ". During detection, the Digital Operatordisplays and “ UL3 ” alarm (blinking).— To stop the drive at an undertorque detection fault, set to " 2 " or " 4 ". At detection, the Digital Operator displays an" UL3 " fault.— To output an undertorque detection signal, set output terminal function selection (n057, n058 or n059 ) to" 8 " or " 9 ".B. n118 : Undertorque Detection Level Factory setting: 10 %Range: 0 to 200 %This is the reference point for determining that an undertorque condition exists. Set as a percent of Drive ratedcurrent or as a percent of motor rated torque.C. n119 : Undertorque Detection Time Factory setting: 0.1 sec.Range: 0.1 to 10.0 secondsDetermines how long an undertorque condition must exist before another event will occur, e.g. coast to stop,multi-function output change of state, or UL3 warning or fault display.D. n057 : Multi-function Output 1 Data 6 or 7 : Overtorque(terminals MA, MB & MC) Detectionn058 : Multi-function Output 2 Data 8 or 9 : Undertorque(terminals P1 & PC) Detectionn059 : Multi-function Output 3(terminals P2 & PC)A Form-C contact, or an open collector output, can be programmed to change states during anovertorque/undertorque detection condition.EXAMPLE OF OVERTORQUE DETECTIONn096 setting: 2 — Overtorque enabled, only at set frequency, coast to stopn057 setting: 6 — Output contact programmed for overtorque detectionn096 setting: 110 % — Level at which overtorque is sensedn099 setting: 1.0 s — Time delay before overtorque event occursDetection level(n098 ) Detection110% timeOUTPUT 100% (n099)CURRENT/TORQUE0100%CoastMOTORstopSPEED0RUNSIGNALFAULTSIGNALCONTACT OUTPUT(OVERTORQUEDETECTION)TERM. MA & MC)Overtorque Detection Timing Diagram5.34 UNDERTORQUE DETECTION