5-22The multi-function input terminals can be activated in one of two ways:The multi-function inputs are configured using rotary switch SW1, which is located above the upperrow of control circuit terminals and can be set with a small screwdriver.NOTE: All power must be removed from the Drive before SW1 can be set.(1) Customer supplied componentn050 : Terminal S1 Function Factory settings: 2-Wire control 3-Wire controln051 : Terminal S2 Function n050 1 1n052 : Terminal S3 Function n051 2 2n053 : Terminal S4 Function n052 3 0n054 : Terminal S5 Function n053 5 5n055 : Terminal S6 Function n054 6 6n056 : Terminal S7 Function n055 7 7n056 : Terminal S7 Function n056 10 10These seven parameters select the input signal function for terminals S1 thru S7, and can be inde-pendently set.Parameter settings are checked whenever the enter key is pressed. A parameter set failure (Err) willoccur if any of the following conditions are detected:• Two parameters contain the same value (n050 thru n056).• Both the Accel/Decel Hold (data 16) and the Up/Down (data 34) functions have been selected.Table 5-2 lists the possible data setting values and their descriptions for these parameters.S1ExternalContactsExternal wiring for PNP inputsn050+24VDCPower Supply(1)(–) (+)S2 n051S3 n052S4 n053S5 n054S6 n055S7SCn056SW1 setto PNPDriveMulti-functionInputTerminalsMulti-functionDeviceNetInputS1ExternalContactsExternal wiring for NPN inputsn050S2 n051S3 n052S4 n053S5 n054S6 n055S7SCn056SW1 setto NPNDriveMulti-functionInputTerminalsMulti-functionDeviceNetInput5.18 MULTI-FUNCTION INPUT TERMINALS (Term. S1-S7)Type of input DescriptionNPN A contact closure must be made between a multi-function terminal (S1 to S7) and SC in order(Factory Setting) to activate that input.PNP A DC voltage (+24v, 8mA max. current) must be present on a multi-function input terminal (S1 to S7)in order to activate that input. NOTE: The minus (-) side of the 24 VDC supply must be connected to SC.