5-35A. n092 : Stall Prevention During Deceleration Factory setting: 0Setting Function0 Stall prevention during deceleration enabled1 Stall prevention during deceleration disabledStall prevention during deceleration automaticallyadjusts the deceleration rate while monitoring theDC bus voltage to prevent overvoltage duringdeceleration.When the motor load is large or decel time isshort, actual decel time may be longer than theset value because of stall prevention.B. n093 : Stall Prevention Level During Factory setting: See Table A3-1Acceleration Range: 30 - 200 %This parameter determines the actual Drive output current level during an acceleration condition. Set inpercent of Drive rated output current.A setting of " 200 " disables stallprevention during acceleration. Duringacceleration, if the output currentexceeds the value in n093 , accelerationstops and frequency is maintained.When the output current goes below thevalue set in n093 , acceleration resumes.In the constant horsepower region[actual output frequency ≥ max. voltagefrequency (n013 )], the stall preventionlevel during acceleration is changed bythe following formula:Stall prevention level during = Stall prevention level during accel x Max. voltage frequencyaccel (constant horsepower) Actual output frequency5.23 STALL PREVENTIONTIMEFREQUENCYSETDECELTIMEControls thedecelerationtime needed toprevent over-voltage fault.C. n094 : Stall Prevention Level At Set Speed Factory setting: 160%Range: 30 - 200 %This parameter determines the actualDrive output current level while operatingat set speed (frequency). Set in percentof Drive rated output current (seeAppendix 2).A setting of " 200 " disables stallprevention at set speed. During runningat set speed, if the output current exceedsthe value set in n094 , the drive will beginto decelerate. When the output currentgoes below the value set in n094,acceleration begins, up to the setfrequency.ttMOTORCURRENTOUTPUTFREQ.Constantn074settingParametern094SettingttMOTORCURRENTOUTPUTFREQ.Constantn073settingParametern093Setting