43ReceiverCircuit Type : Double-conversion super heterodyne (FM / AM)Direct-conversion (AM / FM Radio)Intermediate Frequency : 1st: A- Band 58.05 MHz1st: B- Band 57.15 MHz2nd: A- Band, B- Band 450 kHzSensitivity : 0+] $0 ȝ9W\S#G%610+] 1)0 ȝ9W\S#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9W\S#G%6,1$'0+] :)0 ȝ9W\S#G%6,1$'0+] $0 ȝ9W\S#G%610+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$'0+] 1)0 ȝ9#G%6,1$''LJLWDO0RGH ȝ9W\S#%(5* A- Band onlySelectivity (-6 dB/-60 dB) : NFM, AM 12 kHz/35 kHzAF Output : P: ȍIRU7+'9'& LQWHUQDOVSHDNHUP: ȍIRU7+'9'& LQWHUQDOVSHDNHUBluetoothVersion : Version 4.2Class : Class 2Output Power : 2 dBm typSpecifications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed within the 144/430 MHzamateur bands only.