60H5E115Piston, Connecting rod5-30Disassembling the piston, and theconnecting rod assembly1. Remove the piston pin clip, and then re-move the piston pin.2. Separate the piston from the connectingrod.3. Remove the bearing and washer at the con-necting rod small end.4. Remove the piston ring.Disassembled piston, piston ring, pistonpin, connecting rod, and bearing must besorted out and kept in order so that thecomponents from different cylinders willnot be mixed up.Checking the cylinder block1. Check the cylinder sleeve for cracks ordamage.2. Remove any rust or deposits on the cool-ing water passage wall, and check it for cor-rosion. Clean or replace if necessary.60H50460Do not scratch the contacting surfece ofthe cylinder head and cylinder block.3. Check the anode. Clean the anode's sur-face, and replace if it has been eroded intohalf or smaller.60H50470Do not oil, grease, or paint the anodes, oth-erwise they will not be able to prevent thegalvanic corrosion effectively.4. Remove the carbon deposit on the exhaustpassage wall, and check it for cranks ordamage. Replace if necessary.Do not scratch the contacting surfece ofthe cylinder head and cylinder block.