60H5E11760H707601ATrim & tilt wrench: 90890-06548Trim & tilt wrench: 90890-0654860H707704Disassembling the tilt cylinder andtrim cylinder1. Loosen the tilt cylinder end cap 1, and re-move the tilt piston assembly 2.60h70760Make sure that the rods are fully extendedbefore removing the tilt cylinder end cap.2. Drain the fluid.3. Loosen the trim cylinder end cap 3, andremove the trim piston assembly 4.4. Drain the fluid.5. Install the trim piston assembly, and tem-porarily tighten the trim cylinder end capfinger tight.Tilt cylinder and trim cylinder7-346. Cover the tilt cylinder opening with a cleancloth 5, and blow compressed air throughhole A to remove the free piston 6.60h70780Never look into the openings while remov-ing the free piston.7. Loosen the trim cylinder end cap, and re-move the trim piston assembly.Checking the tilt cylinder and trim cyl-inder.1. Disassemble the tilt piston assembly.60h70790