E4-4FUEL SYSTEMFUELE21030-0Priming up1) Visually inspect for cracks or breaks in thepriming-pump and fuel-hoses, and replacethem if required.2) Check the operation of the check-valve byblowing into the pump.1 Priming pump2 Arrow mark3 Check valve (inlet)4 Check valve (outlet)E21040-0Fuel filter1) First removing the nut and filter-cup, disassem-ble the fuel filter.2) Visually inspect the filter body for cracks ordamage to the thread, and replace if required.3) Using a soft brush and solvent, clean the filterelement thoroughly. Inspect the filter elementfor breakage or distortion, and replace ifrequired.4) Using a soft brush and solvent, clean the filter-cup thoroughly. Inspect the filter-cup for cracksor thread damage, and replace if required.5) Place the O-ring on the filter body, install theelement, and screw in the filter cup.