6-11LOWR6885J11Lower unitLower unitNOTE:Install a new ball bearing with the identifica-tion mark e facing toward the forward gearside.4. Install the reverse gear assembly into thepropeller shaft housing using a press.NOTE:After installing the reverse gear, check thatthe reverse gear rotates smoothly.5. Install a new O-ring.2. Install the new oil seals into the propellershaft housing to the specified depth.3. Install the washer 5 and new ball bear-ing 6 onto the reverse gear 7 using apress.cCDo not reuse the bearing, always replace itwith a new one.Needle bearing attachment:90890-06608 890890-06607 9Needle bearing attachment 9:90890-066076886014076589e6886015096886013041dDriver rod LS 1:90890-06606Needle bearing attachment 4:90890-06636Installation depth d:4.5–5.5 mm (0.18–0.22 in)