BRKT7-63 6885J11Bracket unitNOTE:9 Repeat this procedure so that the rams goup and down 4–5 times (be sure to wait for2–3 seconds before switching the leads).9 If the rams do not move up and down easi-ly, push and pull on the rams to assist oper-ation.8. Check the fluid level when the rams arefully extended. If the fluid level is low, addsufficient fluid, and then repeat step 7.Bleeding the PTT unit (built-in)1. Check the manual valve fully tightened,and then connect the battery to the bat-tery cables.NOTE:If the manual valve is loosened, be sure totighten it to the specified torque before tiltingthe outboard motor up.2. Fully tilt the outboard motor up and down4–5 times.NOTE:Connect the PTT motor leads to the batteryterminals, without installing the power unit. Toconnect the PTT motor leads, refer to page7-62.6887044613. Let the fluid settle for 5 minutes.4. Push and hold the PTT switch in the upposition until the outboard motor is fullytilted up.5. Support the outboard motor with the tiltstop lever, and then let the fluid settle for5 minutes.wAfter tilting up the outboard motor, besure to support it with the tilt stop lever.Otherwise, the outboard motor could sud-denly lower if the PTT unit should losefluid pressure.6. Remove the reservoir cap 2, and thencheck the fluid level in the reservoir.NOTE:If the fluid is at the correct level, the fluidshould overflow out of the filler hole when thecap 2 is removed.7. If the fluid is below the correct level, addfluid of the recommended type.8. Install the new O-ring reservoir cap, andthen tighten it to the specified torque.NOTE:Repeat this procedure until the fluid remainsat the correct level.Reservoir cap 2:7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 ft·lb)2 68830400Manual valve 1:3 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 2.2 ft·lb)