POWR5-9 6885J11Power unitRemoving the power unitNOTE:It is recommended to loosen the flywheelmagnet nut before removing the power unit toimprove working efficiency.1. Set the gear shift to “N” position, and thenremove the retaining plate 1, throttlecable 2, shift cable 3, main harnesscoupler 4 and choke solenoid lead 5(ED, ET).(EHD: throttle cable 2 and shift rod 6)å ED, ET∫ EHD2. Disconnect the negative battery cable 7and positive battery lead 8 from startermotor.3. Remove the cover, then remove the pos-itive battery cable 9, fuse holder lead 0,PTT motor leads q (ET), RectifierRegulator leads w, thermoswitch leadse and main harness coupler r.(EHD: warning indicator leads t, neutralswitch leads y)å ED, ET∫ EHD4. Disconnect the ground leads u and pilotwater hose i.32541L68850020åSTBD246168850030∫G90qwertLBP R G/WRG68850050åSTBDerPwtyB RGBrBrY/R PG/W68850060∫u ui68850070AFT8768850040PORT