Components25NOTICEECM01660Do not use the tilt support bar whentrailering the boat. The outboard motorcould shake loose from the tilt supportand fall. If the motor cannot be trailered inthe normal running position, use an addi-tional support device to secure it in thetilt position.EMU26361Power tilt unitThis unit tilts the outboard motor up anddown and is controlled with the power tiltswitch.NOTICEECM00630Do not step on or exert pressure on thepower tilt motor. The power tilt unit couldbe damaged as a result.NOTICEECM00660Do not use the tilt support lever or knobwhen trailering the boat. The outboardmotor could shake loose from the tilt sup-port and fall. If the motor cannot be trail-ered in the normal running position, usean additional support device to secure itin the tilt position.EMU26383Cowling lock lever (pull up type)To remove the engine top cowling, pull upthe cowling lock lever(s) and lift off the cowl-ing. When installing the cowling, check to besure it fits properly in the rubber seal. Thenlock the cowling by moving the cowling locklever(s) downward.ZMU055281. Power tilt unit2. Power tilt motor