Operation445. Immediately after the engine starts, re-lease the main switch and allow it to re-turn to “ ” (on). NOTICE: Never turnthe main switch to “ ” (start)while the engine is running. Do notkeep the starter motor turning formore than 5 seconds. If the startermotor is turned continuously formore than 5 seconds, the battery willbe quickly discharged, thus making itimpossible to start the engine. Thestarter can also be damaged. If theengine will not start after 5 secondsof cranking, return the main switch to“ ” (on), wait 10 seconds, thencrank the engine again. [ECM00192]TIP: When the engine is cold, it needs to bewarmed up. For further information, seepage 44. If the engine is warm and fails to start,open the throttle slightly and try to start theengine again. If the engine still fails tostart, see page 77.EMU36510Checks after starting engineEMU36520Cooling waterCheck for a steady flow of water from thecooling water pilot hole. A continuous flow ofwater from the pilot hole shows that the wa-ter pump is pumping water through the cool-ing passages. If the cooling passages arefrozen, it may take a while for water to startflowing out of the pilot hole.NOTICEECM01810If water is not flowing out of the pilot holeat all times while the engine is running,overheating and serious damage couldoccur. Stop the engine and check wheth-er the cooling water inlet on the lowercase or the cooling water pilot hole isblocked. Consult your Yamaha dealer ifthe problem cannot be located and cor-rected.Check that no water leaks from the joints be-tween the exhaust cover, cylinder head, andbody cylinder.EMU27670Warming up engineEMU27715Manual start and electric startmodels1. After starting the engine, allow it to idlefor 3 minutes to warm up. Failure to doso will shorten engine life.2. Be sure the low oil pressure-alert indica-tor goes off after starting the engine.NOTICE: If the low oil pressure-alertindicator blinks after the enginestarts, stop the engine. Otherwise se-